Friday, July 22, 2011


I love wattle. Love it. It's the boost I need in the middle of winter, driving or walking past a wattle tree in bloom gives me an instant lift. There is an enormous wattle tree around the corner from our home, and as the sun was shining I decided to go for a walk around the block and take some photos. With the image of bright yellow in my head, I decided to see how many other yellow things caught my eye on the walk, well let me say the quick stroll took a lot longer than I originally intended!

So I thought I'd share some images, from this beautiful Melbourne winter's day here in Northcote. And if you make it through to the end of the post, a little musical interlude, one of my favourites, to help you get through Friday with a smile on your face. XX

ps: there are four buzzy bees amongst the images, can you spot them all?


  1. Yellow always makes me happy. I tried to find a yellow short the other day and their all gone. A month ago they were everywhere.

  2. Oh how I love that song and these shots make me all teary for some reason..or is it the song? or is it just menopause hahaaa love your head ;)

  3. that yellow wattle has been such a treasure to behold this winter, hasn't it? Thanks for such a lovely post Ms Dusty!

  4. Yellow is glorious and creates joy wherever it is. I love wattle too. It's nice to see glimpses of sunny yellow on a winter's day.

    Beautiful post Jo. Lovely composition of pics. It's nice to see what you can find in your own neighbourhood.
    p.s I saw the bees :)
