Sunday, May 15, 2011

Second Breakfast

Today must be my lucky day. TWO breakfasts in bed.
My husband brought me poached eggs with roquette, tomato, chutney and sour dough toast. So good, he is the King of the Goog.
Off he went to our 'other house' to do some banging and destruction (we are living in a rental while we renovate our home) and I could hear clattering in the kitchen.

I was blissfully reading Sunday papers in bed while the children watched TV when in came Miss 8 with ..

.. Second Breakfast!!

Now this is a rare treat, but not one I'm going to knock back. Could I squeeze it into my already satisfied tum? You bet I could.  
A lovely thin perfectly cooked pancake complete with (extremely expensive) sliced bananas and genuine maple syrup. What a girl. 
She's always liked to cook and can make pancakes from scratch and she's also learning more specific skills (such as knife skills) at her school now that she is in Grade Three and taking part in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden programme. 
And it was deeee-licious :)


  1. Sounds like Mother's Day # 2!
    Is that an Orla Kiely bedspread I see? LOVE!

  2. Yes!! Found them in David Jones, 30% off to boot!!

  3. I was very impressed while I was waiting to pick up the kids at school last week. A guy asked me where I had got my handbag (an Orla that I've had for a few years) and said that he had bought one for a friend of his when he was in Dublin. I would like a friend like that!

  4. That pancake looks so good. Could do with 2 breakfasts right now!

    Thanks for your comment xx

  5. Now that is the perfect way to start the day..if only it happened more often ;)
